Official Date is Now MAY 17-19, 2024 AT Century 2 Exhibition Hall

Find Artists Added on our Artist Page

Schedule Directly through your Artist page

We are here to fully support all artists who come through the RiverCity Tattoo & Culture Expo! Each artist who signs up for a booth with us will get a artist page made for them directly through the site leading them to wherever they prefer for their schedule. We are here to show examples on your page of your work & showcase your quality to help you sell out the whole weekend! 

We are fighting for Tattoos & Culture!


When creating your Artist Expo  Page we will add artist promos like


When you become a sponsor, cosmetologist, vendor or artist we immediately create a page for you to start scheduling appointments for the event & add your logo on all flyer promotion!

Stay tuned for more!


More Artist coming soon




We are fighting for making everything right for YOU! 

Making sure to meet all requirements for The Kansas State board of Zoning, Kansas State Cosmetologists & All Wichita Zoning  requirements so we fit all specifications for successs! 


Standard Booths (10 x 10) are $700

Standard Double Booths (10 x 20) are $1,000

Premium Corner Booth (10 x 10) are $1,200

Exclusive Endcap Booths are $1,500

Additional Artist Passes are $25 (each) 

*Remember your booth comes with 2 or 4 included in the registration fee, if you have more artists, get another booth (recommended) or be sure to purchase additional artist passes



The standard booth registration fee will provide all of the amenities necessary to help make this year’s show a success for you.

All booths come with:

  • (1) 10′ x 10′ Booth
  • (2) Artist / Vendor Passes (Non Transferrable)
  • (2) Helper Passes
  • 8′ Back Drape- black
  • 3′ Side Drape- black
  • 6′ Vendor Table
  • (1) Wastebasket
  • (1) BioHazardous Sharps Containers

All your needs will be met!

1.Portable Handwashing Station

2. All Hygenic Requirement

3. Full Artist Booth Support


Standard Double BOOTH


The standard double booth registration fee will provide all of the amenities necessary to help make this year’s show a success for you.

  All booths come with:

  • (1) 10′ x 20′ Booth

  • (4) Artist / Vendor Passes (Non Transferrable)

  • (4) Helper Passes

  • 8′ Back Drape- black 

  • 3′ Side Drape- black 

  • 6′ Vendor Table
  • (1) Wastebasket

  • (1) BioHazardous Sharps Containers

All your needs will be met!

1.Portable Handwashing Station

2. All Hygenic Requirement

3. Full Artist Booth Support


pREMIER Corner Booth


Corner booths allow shops and artists to be at the ends of isles in a more preferrable placement for displaying their talents, getting noticed and interacting with fans and friends. These sell out fastest, so don’t wait!

All booths come with:

  • Corner Placement at End of Isle
  • (1) 10′ x 10′ Booth
  • (2) Artist / Vendor Passes (Non Transferrable)
  • (2) Helper Passes
  • 8′ Back Drape- black
  • 3′ Side Drape- black
  • 6′ Vendor Table
  • (1) Wastebasket
  • (1) BioHazardous Sharps Containers

All your needs will be met!

1.Portable Handwashing Station

2. All Hygenic Requirement

3. Full Artist Booth Support


Exclusive ENDCAP


Our Exclusive Endcap Booths allow you to display your brand in the most favorable of positions inside the expo. You’ll be featured by yourself on the endcap of an isle in a major walkway of the show.

All booths come with:

  • Exclusive Placement at End of Isle
  • (1) 10′ x 20′ Booth
  • (4) Artist / Vendor Passes (Non Transferrable)
  • (4) Helper Passes
  • (2) 8′ Back Drape- black ,
  • (2) 3′ Side Drape- black
  • 6′ Vendor Table
  • (2) Wastebaskets
  • (1) BioHazardous Sharps Containers

All your needs will be met!

1.Portable Handwashing Station

2. All Hygenic Requirement

3. Full Artist Booth Support


Registration form

Any Questions ask here